This page is for members of Company Three only


The Social GRACES is a way to remember the ways in which we are all different.

Gender / Gender Identity / Geography
Race / Religion
Age / Ability / Appearance
Caste / Class / Culture
Ethnicity / Education / Employment / Economics
Sexuality / Sexual Orientation / Spirituality

Everyone in Company Three should be free to be themselves.

If for any reason you feel you can’t be, or if you see or hear something that makes you uncomfortable, talk to any staff member in person or call/message: 07528 761 311 

Or if you don't feel you can talk to any member of staff, you can write us an anonymous message below.

Your message is 100% anonymous, and we promise to take it seriously. The more information you can give us, the more we will be able to follow your message up and take action.

Anonymous form