Coronavirus Time CapsuleResources
Coronavirus Time CapsuleResources
This page contains resources that you might find useful in delivering your project and work with your group. It includes policies and resources created especially for this project and there are links to other great resources which have been created by youth theatres across the country.
We will continue to add new documents as we write and discover them. If you have created something you think will be particularly useful for the project, please send it to us to add to this page.
Share your practice
Are you making a time capsule and have a workshop, exercise or hint to share? Please fill in this form and we’ll publish it for others to use.
Working online tile for young people/participants
Online Games Resource (Google Drive open source document)
Created by Tassos Stevens and contributors from youth theatres across the UK
Top Tips for Youth Theatre and Youth Work during the shutdown (GoogleDrive open source document)
Created by Camilla Gordon and contributors from youth theatres across the UK
Top Ten Tips for shooting video on a mobile device (created for Freedom Studios Youth Theatre by Dermot Daly)
Recording sound on your phone tile for young people/participants
How to reference music in a video description
This video starts at a point where the Youtuber explains how to best use royalty free music in videos.
Project Assets
An Online Lockdown Writing Workshop (useful for warming up the group and exploring the subject matter) (pdf)
A list of different creative (‘development’) tasks and forms (pdf)
Development task generator